Counseling in Berlin and Germany
Unfortunately there is no strong Counselling Tradition within the German Health System.
However Counselling in Berlin is popular. But clients will not get reimbursed for it by German health insurance. They usually pay for it themselves.
The German term for Counselling is “Psychologische Beratung” (psychological advice). A variety of Counselling approaches are available in Berlin.
But neither “Counsellor” nor “Psychologist” are protected occupational titles in Germany. So be sure to check somebody’s background and qualification, before you make an appointment.

There is no strong Counselling Tradition within the German Health System. In Berlin Counselling is still popular. A variety of approaches is available.
Counselling Services offered by the Practice
Impressions of the Rooms & Facilities in the Practice
Waiting Area
Consulting Room
Patients Toilet